
dimarts, 22 d’abril del 2014

New look

Bueno, hoy como os he comentado estoy que no paro...estoy un pelín acelerada...será la primavera...Os habeis fijado en el nuevo look de mis bloggs? qué os parecen? creo que han quedado bonitos. Pasad por my shop y vereis que cambio.

Gracias por todos vuestros comentarios y los ratitos que dedicais para visitarme, un besote muy gordote!

Os enseño una de las maderitas que podreis encontrar en my shop por muy poquito... 

Decora tus escenas cottage


4 comentaris:

  1. Google translate wasn't very good. I couldn't follow what you said, Monica. I looked in your shop, and I see so many beautiful miniatures, all the ones I've seen here on your blog. Great work! xo Jennifer

    1. I'm sorry, Jennifer, I do not know how to write so that you can translate, google is so literal that I also sometimes difficult to understand, try to deduce from the context.
      Thank for visitng my shop. A big kiss.

  2. Lovely wooden signs, I like the aged look of them. 'Cook' would be no good for me, I'm useless in the kitchen!
    Kind regards, Brian.

    1. Well, sure you could help testing cooked dishes ... just not to the point of salt ... jajjaja!.
      A big kiss!
